Sunday, August 28, 2011

Veraison & netting

Birds already interested in the grapes; so we netted them this weekend.  After experimenting with various net-securing techniques and devices, we opted for chenille-coated pipecleaners.  Easy on AND off.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Solidly mid-veraison; roughly 40% of the berries are purple.

August 17

Growth finally seems to have slown down, makes sense since the berries are turning purple.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Vigor

VERY vigorous vines this year - late rains, more sunshine, hope we don't have too much.  Sprayed 1.5% stylet oil again today.  Actually have been spraying every 10-14 days, just getting better at remembering (vs having to post online to remember).  There's been little hot weather to break PM cycle this year.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Grapes pre veraison

Still no signs of veraison, but the grapes continue to fill out.