Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vague guidance

Remember the vines looking like they had burnt leaves, and the one on row 7 that's really nasty looking?  Well I took samples into the Master Gardners, who sent it off to UC Davis for testing. 

The feedback from the lab:
"Powdery mildew Not detected. Some secondary fungal sporulation seen, but no plant pathogens detected. Some insect webbing present but no insects to send to Entomology for I.D." 
The Master Gardener's comments on the above::
Often we find that the lab tends to focus their testing on potential vectors for new invasive pathogens introduced into the state.  I suppose the good news is that whatever they found on the leaves, it was not a point of concern from their perspective. 

I'm pretty sure they tested for Pierce's disease since it's a real hot-button in our area, also to the extent they could probably want to see if there's evidence of European Grape Moth.  Sadly, I don't think we can't rule out esca, but for now I'm going to continue to correct for known deficiencies (Magnesium, Boron) and continue to be on the lookout for more tell-tale signs of other diseases.

On and look into gopher / vole control too.  They got to our tomatoes, lettuce, and even zucchini!  

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