So, we figure we may as well pack all winemaking tasks into a few week window and bottle now. After bottling by ourselves the past two rounds, we think we have the process down enough to invite others - so invite others we did!
We started with BBQ lunch, followed by tasting the still young wines about to be bottled. We then had a mini-blending party, deciding if the wines would benefit from blending with other wines and/or each other. Final formulas will follow, when I get around to labeling.
We then set up our bottling shop in the garage (vs cellar) - which was MUCH better in that we were less cramped and it's a lot lighter and easier to see. Being near running water, sterilizing solution, and supplies was another bonus.
The process went so well I think we'll aim for this timing in future years too - with the garage already cleaned out, most equipment freshly cleaned and sterilized, and carboys fresh and ready to use after pressing make the tasks easier and decreased the net time required to scrub stuff.
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