I've made 3 beers over the past 2 years - all from kits put together by our local wine/beer supply store, and all turned out surprisingly good. I'm a fan of Oatmeal Stouts, however, so had to concoct my own recipe. The pressure!
With a little help from the folks at the beer supply store, I took a hybrid approach and modified one of their kit recipes. Here goes:
1lb. Crystal Malt
1 lb. Pale Chocolate Malt
1 lb. Flaked Oats
1/4 lb. Roasted Barley
Strain and transfer to kettle, stir in
3 lbs Munich Malt Extract Syrup
At boil set time for 30 minutes and add:
2 oz Perle Hops (awesome floral smell)
Add 1/2 oz Cascade Hops (some floral, more earthy/mossy to my nose) and set timer for 20 more minutes
Add 1/2 oz Cascade Hops and a Whirfloc tablet and set timer for 10 more minutes
Turn off burner and stir in
6 lbs. Pale Malt Extract
1/4 lb. Lactose
Cooled, added enough water to get just over 5 gallons. SG = 1.067.
Pitched ale yeast (62-72 degree range), and will let ferment away until SG down to 1.02-ish.
UPDATE: turned out good not great; next time I'll eliminate the lactose and reduce the smoky grains. This article from Beersmith provided some good specific insights.
Also happened upon this well organized pro-con list on various homebrew topics.
UPDATE: turned out good not great; next time I'll eliminate the lactose and reduce the smoky grains. This article from Beersmith provided some good specific insights.
Also happened upon this well organized pro-con list on various homebrew topics.